Meet Ava

With over 15 years experience in the fitness industry, I believe that we all should find ways to work on being healthier in mind, body, and spirit. Having good health is important to me. I want to feel, do, and be my best mentally, physically, and spiritually. One key to my good health is praying and doing things to have good health. I open myself to gaining more wisdom, power, and inspiration.

When I exercise it helps me to reduce stress, lift my mood, and sleep better.  I know it will keep me looking and feeling younger throughout my life.


My Routine

My exercise routine consists of: Jogging four miles 4 day’s week, Strength Training, Stairmaster, Mix Martial Arts, Pilates and Stretching.  I change my work out every two weeks.


Stretching is a very important part of my routine. It helps my posture, It keep me from being stiff.  It also reduce the chance of injury and it improves my balance and coordination.